هل لديك موقع معاملات إلكتروني؟ احذر مخاطر ترجمة المواقع الإلكترونية داخل الشركة

إذا كانت لديك أعمال عبر الإنترنت، فإن توطين موقعك الإلكتورني باستخدام موارد شركتك الداخلية ينطوي على مخاطر وتكاليف كبيرة.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

10 يناير، 2018

قراءة في 3 دقائق

International customers want world-class user experiences, presented in the languages they speak. But localizing your transactional website with in-house staff is painful, complicated, and comes with the following pitfalls:

  • Endless workflows and ballooning costs
  • Slow speed to market
  • Maintaining brand consistency
  • Compatibility with payment platforms

The Cost of Translation: The Price Beyond Words

Deploying and operating multilingual websites demands continuous effort and unexpected costs that go well beyond mere translation. نادرًا ما يتوفر لدى فرق عمل التسويق في الشركات العدد اللازم من العاملين أو التقنيات أو الخبرة اللازمة للتأقلم بشكل مناسب مع التحدي.

Here are just a few of the many costly burdens you and your team inherit if you bring the project in-house:

  • Finding and compiling all translatable website content (such as text, images, multimedia, PDFs and more)
  • Acquiring the resources to create and manage workflows to translate that content
  • Processes for quality assurance and project management
  • Getting content translated quickly and accurately
  • Integrating the translated content into the proper global-market “instance” of your multilingual CMS
  • Ensuring the translated content displays properly on-site, and doesn’t “break” page designs due to translation-related issues
  • Following this complex and costly process again and again, every time you add or change content to your website

Marketing teams rarely have the staff, technologies or expertise to efficiently cope with the challenge of website translation.

Keeping Up with the Speed of Retail

B2B companies offer services or products that tend to remain consistent year-round. Their website content is generally static. But with transactional websites, especially B2C, it's a different story.

Things move fast in retail. You're often contending with ever-changing inventories due to:

  • Seasonality
  • Releases of new product lines
  • The ebb and flow of customer demand
  • وغيرها

With so much in flux—and with in-house translation workflows and processes often taking weeks to localize and publish new content—translated websites quickly become out-of-date.

This spells disaster for companies who want to stay relevant in global markets.

Consistency is Key

Your brand voice, messaging and overall image have been meticulously crafted to attract customers in your primary market. Ideally, this effort should carry over into global markets.

But things aren't always that simple. For translations to consistently preserve your brand's voice, you need a translator with linguistic fluency, cultural fluency-and industry-specific marketing know-how. That's a rare breed indeed. Now imagine trying to find several, to create your internal translation team.

Even if you find these unicorns, you must still consider how to apply your localized brand voice and messaging across all of your channels. From emails, to social media posts, to offline marketing, you must maintain brand consistency to give international customers the seamless online experience they demand.

You need translators with linguistic fluency, cultural fluency-and industry-specific marketing know-how. That's a rare breed.

Playing Nice with Others

Transactional websites are especially complex, from a technological perspective. Under the hood, they have an intricate ecosystem of CMSs, databases, coding and integrations with payment platforms and other solutions.

Building out a localized website means setting up solutions for identifying, capturing and uploading translated content, reconfiguring your tech stack, and hoping that it all works together.

With that many moving parts, there's so much that can go wrong. Errors during the conversion funnel will make global customers bounce, and chances are high that they won't come back.

ابحث عن حلول خالية من الجهد

With so much at stake, don’t use in-house resources for website translation—especially since superior solutions exist beyond your company.

Look for a digital-first website translation solution built to handle the demands of content detection, translation, and integration for transactional websites in a timely and coordinated way. بينما تقوم بتقييم الخيارات المتاحة أمامك، ضع في اعتبارك الصعوبات التي تتطلبها هذه العملية وابحث عن إجابات على هذه الأسئلة:

  • هل هذا الحل مصمم بهدف الحد من التعقيدات التشغيلية والتكلفة التي تواجهها مع اتباع نهج الترجمة داخل الشركة؟
  • هل هو حل كامل الإنجاز بدون جهد من طرفك ومستمر بحيث يتم تقديم جميع العاملين، والعمليات والإجراءات والتقنية من طرف الشركة المقدمة للخدمة؟
  • هل يمكنه إنجاز عمليات الترجمة، والنشر، والتشغيل للمواقع الإلكترونية متعددة اللغات مع تحسين تجربة العملاء عبر جميع القنوات؟
  • هل يمكنه تحديد المحتوى الجديد وترجمته وتدقيقه ونشره في يوم عمل واحد تقريبًا؟
  • هل تمتد قدراته الخاصة بالترجمة إلى رسائل البريد الإلكتروني وتفاصيل المنتجات والمستندات خارج الإنترنت ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والمحتوى الآخر متعدد القنوات؟
  • Can it work with any CMS, platform or programming language?

يعتمد نجاح التوسع العالمي لشركتك على التقنيات والعمليات التي تخلصك من الأعباء داخل الشركة، وليس تلك التي تزيد منها. تأكد من أن شركة ترجمة المواقع الإلكترونية التي يقع اختيارك عليها تتمتع بالتقنية والخبرة اللازمة لمساعدتك في خدمة الأسواق العالمية بالطريقة الصحيحة.

آخر تحديث: 10 يناير 2018
Reagan Evans's avatar

About Reagan Evans

Reagan Evans is MotionPoint's SVP of Sales. He has a strong background in sales and data management and has nearly 10 years of executive level experience in the field. He uses his expertise in global sales, new business development, sales production, and data organization to drive MotionPoint's market expansion and new client acquisition. Evans leverages MotionPoint's industry-leading technology to drive sales and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

SVP, Head of Sales

قراءة في 3 دقائق