More than ever, companies aren’t competing on price. They compete on customer experience.

For global brands, creating a cohesive online experience for customers—no matter what languages they speak—is a powerful way to generate trust, loyalty and conversions.

This e-book can help you understand which digital channels are the most critical for meeting your business goals, and how localization can impact your global business.

In this e-book, you’ll learn the importance of:

  • Translating digital content for international SEO and discoverability
  • Localizing secure login portal sites and in-store kiosks for customer service and support
  • Empowering regional sales reps and partners with localized assets

Creating a localization strategy customized for your business goals and understanding the benefits of translating digital assets can help you craft an immersive—and resonant—global customer experience.

قم بتحميل هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني لتتعرف على:

  • Ways localized omnichannel gives your brand a competitive advantage
  • The value of localizing videos and other multimedia
  • The role of mobile apps in the engagement of local customers
  • How translated content boosts your teams’ productivity

Remember: Creating a digital experience that sets your brand apart gives you a competitive edge, and delivers value to the customers who’ll fuel your company’s growth for the long-term.

تنزيل الكتاب الإلكتروني

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