يجمع تجار التجزئة ذوو الفكر الثاقب بين إعادة تصميم المواقع الإلكترونية والترجمة

يقول نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة MotionPoint: استفد من إعادة تصميم موقعك الإلكتروني لخدمة العملاء والمجتمعات على مستوى العالم.

صورة MotionPoint

12 أبريل، 2019

قراءة سريعة في دقيقة واحدة
كريج ويت
كريج ويت

Website redesigns are an ideal time for companies to leverage the best-possible technologies and practices to serve their customers and boost on-site engagement, says EVP Craig Witt in an article for Internet Retailer. That includes localizing websites for global customers.

Localized customer experiences often generate previously untapped conversions and revenue. And thanks to elegant, money-saving solutions, website translation is cost-effective and easy to integrate into a website redesign, Witt says.

Witt offers several redesign best practices Witt provides that make website localization effortless:

  • Plan for word growth: Translating text from English to other languages can result in localized content taking up between 20-40% more space. Accommodate for this growth with dynamic page templates and word wrap.
  • Localize the UX: Deliver a seamless, authentic UX that appears custom-made for global users by localizing offers, product information or seasonal content.
  • Use the Right Technology: The right translation technology works with any CMS or coding language, works with your third-party platforms and seamlessly accommodates redesigns.

Read the full story at Internet Retailer.

آخر تحديث: 12 أبريل 2019
صورة MotionPoint

قراءة سريعة في دقيقة واحدة